Freshman Year: Catching Up

Went to work the closing shift at Pacific Sunwear, not PacSun, this was pre-PacSun.

Racing to get home in a Mercedes 300D in the icy rain, I fishtailed for the first time on the first right turn after leaving the mall

Got back to my room, found my friends already several deep, and decided I needed to “catch up.”

Filled a red solo cup with cheap white wine to a half-inch below the tippy top and chugged it. 

Took a couple vodka shots, too.

** a few minutes later **

In the middle stall of the dorm’s first-floor bathroom, arm across the toilet, I’m throwing up onto my arm.

Friend comes in to check on me, and I can’t stop laughing and telling him about the ham-shaped vomit on my arm. It was funny because: I didn’t even eat ham!

** a few minutes later ** 

The RA comes in and asks where I got the booze. I convinced her to help me take off my shoes because I was too hot.

Then, friend returns with a towel, cleans off my arm while dry heaving after I show him the “ham” again, while laughing.

He washed the towel in the sink and came back to clean me up some more but caught me hand-cupping toilet water like a doe-eyed dear drinking from a stream. I was thirsty and the toilet water smelled so good. So soothing.

This was too much, and he immediately retreated to the next stall to throw up while laughing at everything that just happened. I continued to do the same. 

Woke up at 8 and gathered everyone to head over to food hall for sausage breakfast.

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